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Resta aggiornato.
Tutte le novità VENDOSOFT sui software usati.

Are there any disadvantages to the purchase of used software compared to new software?

6. Settembre 2018

Not with VENDOSOFT. Unlike hardware, software is not subject to wear and tear. Therefore, used licenses are not functionally different to new ones. There are no disadvantages to the buyer compared to acquiring new software.

On the contrary:

Some software versions that are still being used by companies, government agencies, etc., are not even available any more as new software. The secondary market for software is the only way to acquire these programs.
The acquisition of used software via VENDOSOFT is both legally compliant and manufacturer-compliant. It represents an extremely cost-effective alternative for purchasing new computer programs – with potential savings of up to 70%.

You will find more information and all of the advantages HERE.

Contact us today.

We are here to provide all the information you need about used software.
Personal and professional.

Please note that VENDOSOFT only supplies corporate customers, no private individuals!

    * Obbligatorio

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