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Tutte le novità VENDOSOFT sui software usati.

Can I use Adobe software on different platforms?

6. Settembre 2018

Unfortunately no. Adobe develops software for various platforms (e.g. Mac OS, Windows, Linux) and sells these as separate products. If you wish to use Adobe software on different platforms, you must acquire a license for each platform. The serial number for an Adobe product on one platform cannot be used for the same product on a different platform.

Ask the license professionals at VENDOSOFT about using used Adobe licenses!
You can reach us via the contact form.

You will find our Adobe products in the VENDOSOFT SHOP.

Contact us today.

We are here to provide all the information you need about used software.
Personal and professional.

Please note that VENDOSOFT only supplies corporate customers, no private individuals!

    * Obbligatorio

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