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Secondary usage rights for used Adobe licenses

6. Settembre 2018

As a purchaser of Adobe software, you acquire the right to use the software under the EULA (End User License Agreement). Comprehensive and up-to-date information on secondary usage rights for used Adobe licenses can therefore be obtained from your EULA.

In summary, the following applies:

As the primary user of a single-user or volume license from Adobe, which is installed on a desktop computer, you are also entitled to use the software on a second computer on the same platform (Mac /Windows operating system) or on a laptop. You cannot run the software on both computers at the same time, however.


Ask the license professionals at VENDOSOFT about used software from Adobe! You can reach us via the contact form.

You will find our Adobe products in the VENDOSOFT SHOP.

Contact us today.

We are here to provide all the information you need about used software.
Personal and professional.

Please note that VENDOSOFT only supplies corporate customers, no private individuals!

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